#pragma once #include namespace DB { namespace BackupCoordinationStage { /// Finding all tables and databases which we're going to put to the backup and collecting their metadata. constexpr const char * GATHERING_METADATA = "gathering metadata"; String formatGatheringMetadata(int attempt_no); /// Making temporary hard links and prepare backup entries. constexpr const char * EXTRACTING_DATA_FROM_TABLES = "extracting data from tables"; /// Running special tasks for replicated tables which can also prepare some backup entries. constexpr const char * RUNNING_POST_TASKS = "running post-tasks"; /// Building information about all files which will be written to a backup. constexpr const char * BUILDING_FILE_INFOS = "building file infos"; /// Writing backup entries to the backup and removing temporary hard links. constexpr const char * WRITING_BACKUP = "writing backup"; /// Finding databases and tables in the backup which we're going to restore. constexpr const char * FINDING_TABLES_IN_BACKUP = "finding tables in backup"; /// Loading system access tables and then checking if the current user has enough access to restore. constexpr const char * CHECKING_ACCESS_RIGHTS = "checking access rights"; /// Creating databases or finding them and checking their definitions. constexpr const char * CREATING_DATABASES = "creating databases"; /// Creating tables or finding them and checking their definition. constexpr const char * CREATING_TABLES = "creating tables"; /// Inserting restored data to tables. constexpr const char * INSERTING_DATA_TO_TABLES = "inserting data to tables"; /// Coordination stage meaning that a host finished its work. constexpr const char * COMPLETED = "completed"; } }