#pragma once
namespace DB
class IAST;
struct Settings;
enum class WorkloadEntityType : uint8_t
/// Interface for a storage of workload entities (WORKLOAD and RESOURCE).
class IWorkloadEntityStorage
virtual ~IWorkloadEntityStorage() = default;
/// Whether this storage can replicate entities to another node.
virtual bool isReplicated() const { return false; }
virtual String getReplicationID() const { return ""; }
/// Loads all entities. Can be called once - if entities are already loaded the function does nothing.
virtual void loadEntities() = 0;
/// Get entity by name. If no entity stored with entity_name throws exception.
virtual ASTPtr get(const String & entity_name) const = 0;
/// Get entity by name. If no entity stored with entity_name return nullptr.
virtual ASTPtr tryGet(const String & entity_name) const = 0;
/// Check if entity with entity_name is stored.
virtual bool has(const String & entity_name) const = 0;
/// Get all entity names.
virtual std::vector getAllEntityNames() const = 0;
/// Get all entity names of specified type.
virtual std::vector getAllEntityNames(WorkloadEntityType entity_type) const = 0;
/// Get all entities.
virtual std::vector> getAllEntities() const = 0;
/// Check whether any entity have been stored.
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
/// Stops watching.
virtual void stopWatching() {}
/// Stores an entity.
virtual bool storeEntity(
const ContextPtr & current_context,
WorkloadEntityType entity_type,
const String & entity_name,
ASTPtr create_entity_query,
bool throw_if_exists,
bool replace_if_exists,
const Settings & settings) = 0;
/// Removes an entity.
virtual bool removeEntity(
const ContextPtr & current_context,
WorkloadEntityType entity_type,
const String & entity_name,
bool throw_if_not_exists) = 0;
struct Event
WorkloadEntityType type;
String name;
ASTPtr entity; /// new or changed entity, null if removed
using OnChangedHandler = std::function &)>;
/// Gets all current entries, pass them through `handler` and subscribes for all later changes.
virtual scope_guard getAllEntitiesAndSubscribe(const OnChangedHandler & handler) = 0;