#pragma once
namespace DB
// default- and copy-constructible version of nuraft::srv_config
struct RaftServerConfig
int id;
String endpoint;
bool learner;
int priority;
constexpr RaftServerConfig() = default;
constexpr RaftServerConfig(int id_, std::string_view endpoint_, bool learner_ = false, int priority_ = 1)
: id(id_), endpoint(endpoint_), learner(learner_), priority(priority_)
constexpr bool operator==(const RaftServerConfig &) const = default;
explicit RaftServerConfig(const nuraft::srv_config & cfg) noexcept;
explicit operator nuraft::srv_config() const noexcept;
/// Parse server in format "server.id=host:port[;learner][;priority]"
static std::optional parse(std::string_view server) noexcept;
using RaftServers = std::vector;
/// Parse comma-delimited servers. Check for duplicate endpoints and ids.
/// @returns {} on parsing or validation error.
RaftServers parseRaftServers(std::string_view servers);
struct AddRaftServer : RaftServerConfig
struct RemoveRaftServer
int id;
struct UpdateRaftServerPriority
int id;
int priority;
using ClusterUpdateAction = std::variant;
using ClusterUpdateActions = std::vector;
template <>
struct fmt::formatter : fmt::formatter
constexpr auto format(const DB::RaftServerConfig & server, format_context & ctx) const
return fmt::format_to(
ctx.out(), "server.{}={};{};{}", server.id, server.endpoint, server.learner ? "learner" : "participant", server.priority);
template <>
struct fmt::formatter : fmt::formatter
constexpr auto format(const DB::ClusterUpdateAction & action, format_context & ctx) const
if (const auto * add = std::get_if(&action))
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "(Add server {})", add->id);
if (const auto * remove = std::get_if(&action))
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "(Remove server {})", remove->id);
if (const auto * update = std::get_if(&action))
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "(Change server {} priority to {})", update->id, update->priority);