#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Poco::Net { class HTTPRequest; } namespace DB { class WriteBuffer; class ReadBuffer; /** Information about client for query. * Some fields are passed explicitly from client and some are calculated automatically. * * Contains info about initial query source, for tracing distributed queries * (where one query initiates many other queries). */ class ClientInfo { public: enum class Interface : uint8_t { TCP = 1, HTTP = 2, GRPC = 3, MYSQL = 4, POSTGRESQL = 5, LOCAL = 6, TCP_INTERSERVER = 7, PROMETHEUS = 8, }; enum class HTTPMethod : uint8_t { UNKNOWN = 0, GET = 1, POST = 2, OPTIONS = 3 }; enum class QueryKind : uint8_t { NO_QUERY = 0, /// Uninitialized object. INITIAL_QUERY = 1, SECONDARY_QUERY = 2, /// Query that was initiated by another query for distributed or ON CLUSTER query execution. }; QueryKind query_kind = QueryKind::NO_QUERY; /// Current values are not serialized, because it is passed separately. String current_user; String current_query_id; Poco::Net::SocketAddress current_address; /// When query_kind == INITIAL_QUERY, these values are equal to current. String initial_user; String initial_query_id; Poco::Net::SocketAddress initial_address; time_t initial_query_start_time{}; Decimal64 initial_query_start_time_microseconds{}; /// OpenTelemetry trace context we received from client, or which we are going to send to server. OpenTelemetry::TracingContext client_trace_context; /// All below are parameters related to initial query. Interface interface = Interface::TCP; bool is_secure = false; String certificate; /// For tcp String os_user; String client_hostname; String client_name; UInt64 client_version_major = 0; UInt64 client_version_minor = 0; UInt64 client_version_patch = 0; unsigned client_tcp_protocol_version = 0; /// In case of distributed query, client info for query is actually a client info of client. /// In order to get a version of server-initiator, use connection_ values. /// Also for tcp only. UInt64 connection_client_version_major = 0; UInt64 connection_client_version_minor = 0; UInt64 connection_client_version_patch = 0; unsigned connection_tcp_protocol_version = 0; /// For http HTTPMethod http_method = HTTPMethod::UNKNOWN; String http_user_agent; String http_referer; std::unordered_map http_headers; /// For mysql and postgresql UInt64 connection_id = 0; /// Comma separated list of forwarded IP addresses (from X-Forwarded-For for HTTP interface). /// It's expected that proxy appends the forwarded address to the end of the list. /// The element can be trusted only if you trust the corresponding proxy. /// NOTE This field can also be reused in future for TCP interface with PROXY v1/v2 protocols. String forwarded_for; String getLastForwardedFor() const { if (forwarded_for.empty()) return {}; String last = forwarded_for.substr(forwarded_for.find_last_of(',') + 1); boost::trim(last); return last; } /// Common String quota_key; UInt64 distributed_depth = 0; bool is_replicated_database_internal = false; /// For parallel processing on replicas bool collaborate_with_initiator{false}; UInt64 obsolete_count_participating_replicas{0}; UInt64 number_of_current_replica{0}; enum class BackgroundOperationType : uint8_t { NOT_A_BACKGROUND_OPERATION = 0, MERGE = 1, MUTATION = 2, }; /// It's ClientInfo and context created for background operation (not real query) BackgroundOperationType background_operation_type{BackgroundOperationType::NOT_A_BACKGROUND_OPERATION}; bool empty() const { return query_kind == QueryKind::NO_QUERY; } /** Serialization and deserialization. * Only values that are not calculated automatically or passed separately are serialized. * Revisions are passed to use format that server will understand or client was used. */ void write(WriteBuffer & out, UInt64 server_protocol_revision) const; void read(ReadBuffer & in, UInt64 client_protocol_revision); /// Initialize parameters on client initiating query. void setInitialQuery(); /// Initialize parameters related to HTTP request. void setFromHTTPRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest & request); bool clientVersionEquals(const ClientInfo & other, bool compare_patch) const; String getVersionStr() const; VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const; private: void fillOSUserHostNameAndVersionInfo(); }; String toString(ClientInfo::Interface interface); }