#pragma once #include #include namespace DB { class IDataType; /** Used to interpret expressions in a set in IN, * and also in the query of the form INSERT ... VALUES ... * * To work correctly with expressions of the form `1.0 IN (1)` or, for example, `1 IN (1, 2.0, 2.5, -1)` work the same way as `1 IN (1, 2)`. * Checks for the compatibility of types, checks values fall in the range of valid values of the type, makes type conversion. * If the value does not fall into the range - returns Null. */ Field convertFieldToType(const Field & from_value, const IDataType & to_type, const IDataType * from_type_hint = nullptr, const FormatSettings & format_settings = {}); /// Same as convertFieldToType but returns empty Field in case of an exception. Field tryConvertFieldToType(const Field & from_value, const IDataType & to_type, const IDataType * from_type_hint = nullptr, const FormatSettings & format_settings = {}); /// Does the same, but throws ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND if value does not fall into the range. Field convertFieldToTypeOrThrow(const Field & from_value, const IDataType & to_type, const IDataType * from_type_hint = nullptr, const FormatSettings & format_settings = {}); /// Applies stricter rules than convertFieldToType, doesn't allow loss of precision converting to Decimal. /// Returns `Field` if the conversion was successful and the result is equal to the original value, otherwise returns nullopt. std::optional convertFieldToTypeStrict(const Field & from_value, const IDataType & from_type, const IDataType & to_type, const FormatSettings & format_settings = {}); }