#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class AbstractFunction { friend class FunctionSecretArgumentsFinder; public: class Argument { public: virtual ~Argument() = default; virtual std::unique_ptr getFunction() const = 0; virtual bool isIdentifier() const = 0; virtual bool tryGetString(String * res, bool allow_identifier) const = 0; }; class Arguments { public: virtual ~Arguments() = default; virtual size_t size() const = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr at(size_t n) const = 0; }; virtual ~AbstractFunction() = default; virtual String name() const = 0; bool hasArguments() const { return !!arguments; } protected: std::unique_ptr arguments; }; class FunctionSecretArgumentsFinder { public: struct Result { /// Result constructed by default means no arguments will be hidden. size_t start = static_cast(-1); size_t count = 0; /// Mostly it's either 0 or 1. There are only a few cases where `count` can be greater than 1 (e.g. see `encrypt`). /// In all known cases secret arguments are consecutive bool are_named = false; /// Arguments like `password = 'password'` are considered as named arguments. /// E.g. "headers" in `url('..', headers('foo' = '[HIDDEN]'))` std::vector nested_maps; /// Full replacement of an argument. Only supported when count is 1, otherwise all arguments will be replaced with this string. /// It's needed in cases when we don't want to hide the entire parameter, but some part of it, e.g. "connection_string" in /// `azureBlobStorage('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountKey=secretkey;...', ...)` should be replaced with /// `azureBlobStorage('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountKey=[HIDDEN];...', ...)`. std::string replacement; bool hasSecrets() const { return count != 0 || !nested_maps.empty(); } }; explicit FunctionSecretArgumentsFinder(std::unique_ptr && function_) : function(std::move(function_)) {} FunctionSecretArgumentsFinder::Result getResult() const { return result; } protected: const std::unique_ptr function; Result result; void markSecretArgument(size_t index, bool argument_is_named = false) { if (index >= function->arguments->size()) return; if (!result.count) { result.start = index; result.are_named = argument_is_named; } chassert(index >= result.start); /// We always check arguments consecutively chassert(result.replacement.empty()); /// We shouldn't use replacement with masking other arguments result.count = index + 1 - result.start; if (!argument_is_named) result.are_named = false; } void findOrdinaryFunctionSecretArguments() { if ((function->name() == "mysql") || (function->name() == "postgresql")) { /// mysql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) /// postgresql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) /// mongodb('host:port', 'database', 'collection', 'user', 'password', ...) findMySQLFunctionSecretArguments(); } else if (function->name() == "mongodb") { findMongoDBSecretArguments(); } else if ((function->name() == "s3") || (function->name() == "cosn") || (function->name() == "oss") || (function->name() == "deltaLake") || (function->name() == "hudi") || (function->name() == "iceberg") || (function->name() == "gcs")) { /// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...) findS3FunctionSecretArguments(/* is_cluster_function= */ false); } else if (function->name() == "s3Cluster") { /// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...) findS3FunctionSecretArguments(/* is_cluster_function= */ true); } else if (function->name() == "azureBlobStorage") { /// azureBlobStorage(connection_string|storage_account_url, container_name, blobpath, account_name, account_key, format, compression, structure) findAzureBlobStorageFunctionSecretArguments(/* is_cluster_function= */ false); } else if (function->name() == "azureBlobStorageCluster") { /// azureBlobStorageCluster(cluster, connection_string|storage_account_url, container_name, blobpath, [account_name, account_key, format, compression, structure]) findAzureBlobStorageFunctionSecretArguments(/* is_cluster_function= */ true); } else if ((function->name() == "remote") || (function->name() == "remoteSecure")) { /// remote('addresses_expr', 'db', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) findRemoteFunctionSecretArguments(); } else if ((function->name() == "encrypt") || (function->name() == "decrypt") || (function->name() == "aes_encrypt_mysql") || (function->name() == "aes_decrypt_mysql") || (function->name() == "tryDecrypt")) { /// encrypt('mode', 'plaintext', 'key' [, iv, aad]) findEncryptionFunctionSecretArguments(); } else if (function->name() == "url") { findURLSecretArguments(); } } void findMySQLFunctionSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// mysql(named_collection, ..., password = 'password', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("password", 1); } else { /// mysql('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) markSecretArgument(4); } } void findMongoDBSecretArguments() { String uri; if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// MongoDB(named_collection, ..., password = 'password', ...) if (findSecretNamedArgument("password", 1)) return; /// MongoDB(named_collection, ..., uri = 'mongodb://username:password@', ...) findNamedArgument(&uri, "uri", 1); result.are_named = true; result.start = 1; } else if (function->arguments->size() == 2) { tryGetStringFromArgument(0, &uri); result.are_named = false; result.start = 0; } else { // MongoDB('', 'database', 'collection', 'user, 'password'...) markSecretArgument(4, false); return; } chassert(result.count == 0); maskURIPassword(&uri); result.count = 1; result.replacement = std::move(uri); } /// Returns the number of arguments excluding "headers" and "extra_credentials" (which should /// always be at the end). Marks "headers" as secret, if found. size_t excludeS3OrURLNestedMaps() { size_t count = function->arguments->size(); while (count > 0) { const auto f = function->arguments->at(count - 1)->getFunction(); if (!f) break; if (f->name() == "headers") result.nested_maps.push_back(f->name()); else if (f->name() != "extra_credentials") break; count -= 1; } return count; } void findS3FunctionSecretArguments(bool is_cluster_function) { /// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', ...) has 'url' as its second argument. size_t url_arg_idx = is_cluster_function ? 1 : 0; if (!is_cluster_function && isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// s3(named_collection, ..., secret_access_key = 'secret_access_key', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("secret_access_key", 1); return; } /// We should check other arguments first because we don't need to do any replacement in case of /// s3('url', NOSIGN, 'format' [, 'compression'] [, extra_credentials(..)] [, headers(..)]) /// s3('url', 'format', 'structure' [, 'compression'] [, extra_credentials(..)] [, headers(..)]) size_t count = excludeS3OrURLNestedMaps(); if ((url_arg_idx + 3 <= count) && (count <= url_arg_idx + 4)) { String second_arg; if (tryGetStringFromArgument(url_arg_idx + 1, &second_arg)) { if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) return; /// The argument after 'url' is "NOSIGN". if (second_arg == "auto" || KnownFormatNames::instance().exists(second_arg)) return; /// The argument after 'url' is a format: s3('url', 'format', ...) } } /// We're going to replace 'aws_secret_access_key' with '[HIDDEN]' for the following signatures: /// s3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', ...) /// s3Cluster('cluster_name', 'url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format', 'compression') if (url_arg_idx + 2 < count) markSecretArgument(url_arg_idx + 2); } void findAzureBlobStorageFunctionSecretArguments(bool is_cluster_function) { /// azureBlobStorageCluster('cluster_name', 'conn_string/storage_account_url', ...) has 'conn_string/storage_account_url' as its second argument. size_t url_arg_idx = is_cluster_function ? 1 : 0; if (!is_cluster_function && isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// azureBlobStorage(named_collection, ..., account_key = 'account_key', ...) if (maskAzureConnectionString(-1, true, 1)) return; findSecretNamedArgument("account_key", 1); return; } if (is_cluster_function && isNamedCollectionName(1)) { /// azureBlobStorageCluster(cluster, named_collection, ..., account_key = 'account_key', ...) if (maskAzureConnectionString(-1, true, 2)) return; findSecretNamedArgument("account_key", 2); return; } if (maskAzureConnectionString(url_arg_idx)) return; /// We should check other arguments first because we don't need to do any replacement in case of /// azureBlobStorage(connection_string|storage_account_url, container_name, blobpath, format, [account_name, account_key, ...]) /// azureBlobStorageCluster(cluster, connection_string|storage_account_url, container_name, blobpath, format, [account_name, account_key, ...]) size_t count = function->arguments->size(); if ((url_arg_idx + 4 <= count) && (count <= url_arg_idx + 7)) { String fourth_arg; if (tryGetStringFromArgument(url_arg_idx + 3, &fourth_arg)) { if (fourth_arg == "auto" || KnownFormatNames::instance().exists(fourth_arg)) return; /// The argument after 'url' is a format: s3('url', 'format', ...) } } /// We're going to replace 'account_key' with '[HIDDEN]' if account_key is used in the signature if (url_arg_idx + 4 < count) markSecretArgument(url_arg_idx + 4); } bool maskAzureConnectionString(ssize_t url_arg_idx, bool argument_is_named = false, size_t start = 0) { String url_arg; if (argument_is_named) { url_arg_idx = findNamedArgument(&url_arg, "connection_string", start); if (url_arg_idx == -1 || url_arg.empty()) url_arg_idx = findNamedArgument(&url_arg, "storage_account_url", start); if (url_arg_idx == -1 || url_arg.empty()) return false; } else { if (!tryGetStringFromArgument(url_arg_idx, &url_arg)) return false; } if (!url_arg.starts_with("http")) { static re2::RE2 account_key_pattern = "AccountKey=.*?(;|$)"; if (RE2::Replace(&url_arg, account_key_pattern, "AccountKey=[HIDDEN]\\1")) { chassert(result.count == 0); /// We shouldn't use replacement with masking other arguments result.start = url_arg_idx; result.are_named = argument_is_named; result.count = 1; result.replacement = url_arg; return true; } } return false; } void findURLSecretArguments() { if (!isNamedCollectionName(0)) excludeS3OrURLNestedMaps(); } bool tryGetStringFromArgument(size_t arg_idx, String * res, bool allow_identifier = true) const { if (arg_idx >= function->arguments->size()) return false; return tryGetStringFromArgument(*function->arguments->at(arg_idx), res, allow_identifier); } static bool tryGetStringFromArgument(const AbstractFunction::Argument & argument, String * res, bool allow_identifier = true) { return argument.tryGetString(res, allow_identifier); } void findRemoteFunctionSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// remote(named_collection, ..., password = 'password', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("password", 1); return; } /// We're going to replace 'password' with '[HIDDEN'] for the following signatures: /// remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key]) /// remote('addresses_expr', 'db', 'table', 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key]) /// remote('addresses_expr', table_function(), 'user' [, 'password'] [, sharding_key]) /// But we should check the number of arguments first because we don't need to do any replacements in case of /// remote('addresses_expr', db.table) if (function->arguments->size() < 3) return; size_t arg_num = 1; /// Skip 1 or 2 arguments with table_function() or db.table or 'db', 'table'. auto table_function = function->arguments->at(arg_num)->getFunction(); if (table_function && KnownTableFunctionNames::instance().exists(table_function->name())) { ++arg_num; } else { std::optional database; std::optional qualified_table_name; if (!tryGetDatabaseNameOrQualifiedTableName(arg_num, database, qualified_table_name)) { /// We couldn't evaluate the argument so we don't know whether it is 'db.table' or just 'db'. /// Hence we can't figure out whether we should skip one argument 'user' or two arguments 'table', 'user' /// before the argument 'password'. So it's safer to wipe two arguments just in case. /// The last argument can be also a `sharding_key`, so we need to check that argument is a literal string /// before wiping it (because the `password` argument is always a literal string). if (tryGetStringFromArgument(arg_num + 2, nullptr, /* allow_identifier= */ false)) { /// Wipe either `password` or `user`. markSecretArgument(arg_num + 2); } if (tryGetStringFromArgument(arg_num + 3, nullptr, /* allow_identifier= */ false)) { /// Wipe either `password` or `sharding_key`. markSecretArgument(arg_num + 3); } return; } /// Skip the current argument (which is either a database name or a qualified table name). ++arg_num; if (database) { /// Skip the 'table' argument if the previous argument was a database name. ++arg_num; } } /// Skip username. ++arg_num; /// Do our replacement: /// remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user', 'password', ...) -> remote('addresses_expr', db.table, 'user', '[HIDDEN]', ...) /// The last argument can be also a `sharding_key`, so we need to check that argument is a literal string /// before wiping it (because the `password` argument is always a literal string). bool can_be_password = tryGetStringFromArgument(arg_num, nullptr, /* allow_identifier= */ false); if (can_be_password) markSecretArgument(arg_num); } /// Tries to get either a database name or a qualified table name from an argument. /// Empty string is also allowed (it means the default database). /// The function is used by findRemoteFunctionSecretArguments() to determine how many arguments to skip before a password. bool tryGetDatabaseNameOrQualifiedTableName( size_t arg_idx, std::optional & res_database, std::optional & res_qualified_table_name) const { res_database.reset(); res_qualified_table_name.reset(); String str; if (!tryGetStringFromArgument(arg_idx, &str, /* allow_identifier= */ true)) return false; if (str.empty()) { res_database = ""; return true; } auto qualified_table_name = QualifiedTableName::tryParseFromString(str); if (!qualified_table_name) return false; if (qualified_table_name->database.empty()) res_database = std::move(qualified_table_name->table); else res_qualified_table_name = std::move(qualified_table_name); return true; } void findEncryptionFunctionSecretArguments() { if (function->arguments->size() == 0) return; /// We replace all arguments after 'mode' with '[HIDDEN]': /// encrypt('mode', 'plaintext', 'key' [, iv, aad]) -> encrypt('mode', '[HIDDEN]') result.start = 1; result.count = function->arguments->size() - 1; } void findTableEngineSecretArguments() { const String & engine_name = function->name(); if (engine_name == "ExternalDistributed") { /// ExternalDistributed('engine', 'host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password') findExternalDistributedTableEngineSecretArguments(); } else if ((engine_name == "MySQL") || (engine_name == "PostgreSQL") || (engine_name == "MaterializedPostgreSQL")) { /// MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) /// PostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) /// MaterializedPostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password', ...) /// MongoDB('host:port', 'database', 'collection', 'user', 'password', ...) findMySQLFunctionSecretArguments(); } else if (engine_name == "MongoDB") { findMongoDBSecretArguments(); } else if ((engine_name == "S3") || (engine_name == "COSN") || (engine_name == "OSS") || (engine_name == "DeltaLake") || (engine_name == "Hudi") || (engine_name == "Iceberg") || (engine_name == "S3Queue")) { /// S3('url', ['aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key',] ...) findS3TableEngineSecretArguments(); } else if (engine_name == "URL") { findURLSecretArguments(); } } void findExternalDistributedTableEngineSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(1)) { /// ExternalDistributed('engine', named_collection, ..., password = 'password', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("password", 2); } else { /// ExternalDistributed('engine', 'host:port', 'database', 'table', 'user', 'password') markSecretArgument(5); } } void findS3TableEngineSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// S3(named_collection, ..., secret_access_key = 'secret_access_key') findSecretNamedArgument("secret_access_key", 1); return; } /// We should check other arguments first because we don't need to do any replacement in case of /// S3('url', NOSIGN, 'format' [, 'compression'] [, extra_credentials(..)] [, headers(..)]) /// S3('url', 'format', 'compression' [, extra_credentials(..)] [, headers(..)]) size_t count = excludeS3OrURLNestedMaps(); if ((3 <= count) && (count <= 4)) { String second_arg; if (tryGetStringFromArgument(1, &second_arg)) { if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) return; /// The argument after 'url' is "NOSIGN". if (count == 3) { if (second_arg == "auto" || KnownFormatNames::instance().exists(second_arg)) return; /// The argument after 'url' is a format: S3('url', 'format', ...) } } } /// We replace 'aws_secret_access_key' with '[HIDDEN]' for the following signatures: /// S3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key') /// S3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format') /// S3('url', 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'format', 'compression') if (2 < count) markSecretArgument(2); } void findDatabaseEngineSecretArguments() { const String & engine_name = function->name(); if ((engine_name == "MySQL") || (engine_name == "MaterializeMySQL") || (engine_name == "MaterializedMySQL") || (engine_name == "PostgreSQL") || (engine_name == "MaterializedPostgreSQL")) { /// MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password') /// PostgreSQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password') findMySQLDatabaseSecretArguments(); } else if (engine_name == "S3") { /// S3('url', 'access_key_id', 'secret_access_key') findS3DatabaseSecretArguments(); } } void findMySQLDatabaseSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// MySQL(named_collection, ..., password = 'password', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("password", 1); } else { /// MySQL('host:port', 'database', 'user', 'password') markSecretArgument(3); } } void findS3DatabaseSecretArguments() { if (isNamedCollectionName(0)) { /// S3(named_collection, ..., secret_access_key = 'password', ...) findSecretNamedArgument("secret_access_key", 1); } else { /// S3('url', 'access_key_id', 'secret_access_key') markSecretArgument(2); } } void findBackupNameSecretArguments() { const String & engine_name = function->name(); if (engine_name == "S3") { /// BACKUP ... TO S3(url, [aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key]) markSecretArgument(2); } } /// Whether a specified argument can be the name of a named collection? bool isNamedCollectionName(size_t arg_idx) const { if (function->arguments->size() <= arg_idx) return false; return function->arguments->at(arg_idx)->isIdentifier(); } /// Looks for an argument with a specified name. This function looks for arguments in format `key=value` where the key is specified. /// Returns -1 if no argument was found. ssize_t findNamedArgument(String * res, const std::string_view & key, size_t start = 0) { for (size_t i = start; i < function->arguments->size(); ++i) { const auto & argument = function->arguments->at(i); const auto equals_func = argument->getFunction(); if (!equals_func || (equals_func->name() != "equals")) continue; if (!equals_func->arguments || equals_func->arguments->size() != 2) continue; String found_key; if (!tryGetStringFromArgument(*equals_func->arguments->at(0), &found_key)) continue; if (found_key == key) { tryGetStringFromArgument(*equals_func->arguments->at(1), res); return i; } } return -1; } /// Looks for a secret argument with a specified name. This function looks for arguments in format `key=value` where the key is specified. /// If the argument is found, it is marked as a secret. bool findSecretNamedArgument(const std::string_view & key, size_t start = 0) { ssize_t arg_idx = findNamedArgument(nullptr, key, start); if (arg_idx >= 0) { markSecretArgument(arg_idx, /* argument_is_named= */ true); return true; } return false; } }; }