import re import uuid import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import TSV, assert_eq_with_retry cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) main_configs = [ "configs/backups_disk.xml", "configs/slow_backups.xml", "configs/shutdown_cancel_backups.xml", ] node = cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=main_configs, external_dirs=["/backups/"], stay_alive=True, ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def drop_after_test(): try: yield finally: node.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl SYNC") # Generate the backup name. def get_backup_name(backup_id): return f"Disk('backups', '{backup_id}')" # Start making a backup asynchronously. def start_backup(backup_id): node.query( f"BACKUP TABLE tbl TO {get_backup_name(backup_id)} SETTINGS id='{backup_id}' ASYNC" ) assert ( node.query(f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{backup_id}'") == "CREATING_BACKUP\n" ) assert ( node.query( f"SELECT count() FROM system.processes WHERE query_kind='Backup' AND query LIKE '%{backup_id}%'" ) == "1\n" ) # Wait for the backup to be completed. def wait_backup(backup_id): assert_eq_with_retry( node, f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{backup_id}'", "BACKUP_CREATED", retry_count=60, sleep_time=5, ) backup_duration = int( node.query( f"SELECT end_time - start_time FROM system.backups WHERE id='{backup_id}'" ) ) assert backup_duration >= 3 # Backup is not expected to be too quick in this test. # Cancel the specified backup. def cancel_backup(backup_id): node.query( f"KILL QUERY WHERE query_kind='Backup' AND query LIKE '%{backup_id}%' SYNC" ) assert ( node.query(f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{backup_id}'") == "BACKUP_CANCELLED\n" ) expected_error = "QUERY_WAS_CANCELLED" assert expected_error in node.query( f"SELECT error FROM system.backups WHERE id='{backup_id}'" ) assert ( node.query( f"SELECT count() FROM system.processes WHERE query_kind='Backup' AND query LIKE '%{backup_id}%'" ) == "0\n" ) node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") kill_duration_ms = int( node.query( f"SELECT query_duration_ms FROM system.query_log WHERE query_kind='KillQuery' AND query LIKE '%{backup_id}%' AND type='QueryFinish'" ) ) assert kill_duration_ms < 2000 # Query must be cancelled quickly # Start restoring from a backup. def start_restore(restore_id, backup_id): node.query( f"RESTORE TABLE tbl FROM {get_backup_name(backup_id)} SETTINGS id='{restore_id}' ASYNC" ) assert ( node.query(f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{restore_id}'") == "RESTORING\n" ) assert ( node.query( f"SELECT count() FROM system.processes WHERE query_kind='Restore' AND query LIKE '%{restore_id}%'" ) == "1\n" ) # Wait for the restore operation to be completed. def wait_restore(restore_id): assert_eq_with_retry( node, f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{restore_id}'", "RESTORED", retry_count=60, sleep_time=5, ) restore_duration = int( node.query( f"SELECT end_time - start_time FROM system.backups WHERE id='{restore_id}'" ) ) assert ( restore_duration >= 3 ) # Restore is not expected to be too quick in this test. # Cancel the specified restore operation. def cancel_restore(restore_id): node.query( f"KILL QUERY WHERE query_kind='Restore' AND query LIKE '%{restore_id}%' SYNC" ) assert ( node.query(f"SELECT status FROM system.backups WHERE id='{restore_id}'") == "RESTORE_CANCELLED\n" ) expected_error = "QUERY_WAS_CANCELLED" assert expected_error in node.query( f"SELECT error FROM system.backups WHERE id='{restore_id}'" ) assert ( node.query( f"SELECT count() FROM system.processes WHERE query_kind='Restore' AND query LIKE '%{restore_id}%'" ) == "0\n" ) node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") kill_duration_ms = int( node.query( f"SELECT query_duration_ms FROM system.query_log WHERE query_kind='KillQuery' AND query LIKE '%{restore_id}%' AND type='QueryFinish'" ) ) assert kill_duration_ms < 2000 # Query must be cancelled quickly # Test that BACKUP and RESTORE operations can be cancelled with KILL QUERY. def test_cancel_backup(): # We use partitioning so backups would contain more files. node.query( "CREATE TABLE tbl (x UInt64) ENGINE=MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY x%20" ) node.query(f"INSERT INTO tbl SELECT number FROM numbers(500)") try_backup_id_1 = uuid.uuid4().hex start_backup(try_backup_id_1) cancel_backup(try_backup_id_1) backup_id = uuid.uuid4().hex start_backup(backup_id) wait_backup(backup_id) node.query(f"DROP TABLE tbl SYNC") try_restore_id_1 = uuid.uuid4().hex start_restore(try_restore_id_1, backup_id) cancel_restore(try_restore_id_1) # IF EXISTS because it's unknown whether RESTORE had managed to create a table before it got cancelled. node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl SYNC") restore_id = uuid.uuid4().hex start_restore(restore_id, backup_id) wait_restore(restore_id) # Test that shutdown cancels a running backup and doesn't wait until it finishes. def test_shutdown_cancel_backup(): node.query( "CREATE TABLE tbl (x UInt64) ENGINE=MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY x%5" ) node.query(f"INSERT INTO tbl SELECT number FROM numbers(500)") backup_id = uuid.uuid4().hex start_backup(backup_id) node.restart_clickhouse() # Must cancel the backup. # The information about this cancelled backup must be stored in system.backup_log assert node.query( f"SELECT status FROM system.backup_log WHERE id='{backup_id}' ORDER BY status" ) == TSV(["CREATING_BACKUP", "BACKUP_CANCELLED"]) # The table can't be restored from this backup. expected_error = "Backup .* not found" node.query("DROP TABLE tbl SYNC") assert expected_error, node.query_and_get_error( f"RESTORE TABLE tbl FROM {get_backup_name(backup_id)}" ), )